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martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

Make Yourself a Street-smart Martial Artist Instead Of Just Another Dojo Martial-Artist

Your self-defense TECHNIQUE is HERE
and ready for downloading

This is a really-easy technique you can use. It works every time.
We'll have another one for you tomorrow

To receive it, just click on the link below and send a blank email.
Have some fun with them --- you'll be stunned by how easy they are! videos

Before you download this FREE 3MB self-defense video,
we are hoping that you might take a few minutes to read this message
to you as a practising martial-artist

It will SHOCK you!
Do you REALLY think
you can kick the knife
out of his hand?

Don't bet your life on it!

We don't want you to fall into a fatal trap
that has cost so many martial-artists their life

Unfortunately, there are many martial-artists
who live in Fantasyland and see themselves as a capable street-fighter
They will always remain in Fantasyland and some will die because of that
They will soon stop reading this message
It's not what they want to hear

Some of them will die because they will rely purely on their dojo training
which, as you know, is NOT designed for street-fighting
Too many dojo martial-artists have died already
because they did not know



The martial-arts industry is BIG BUSINESS and is churning out huge numbers
of martial-artists who are qualified only to compete in tournaments.
There is nothing wrong with this, but their students are led to believe
that they can then fight successfully in the real world.
This is shameful --- they can NOT!

Few, if any, teach their students how to control
Few, if any, teach the techniques of
taking control

Few, if any, deal with the level of
that goes with a real-world attack

They just teach you the techniques of their style
then help you to perfect them and pass your grades
That's it

It's NOT enough to win a real fight
where ANYTHING goes!

Where you end up crippled or dead

There are NO rules on the street
None at all!

Nothing on the street happens the way it does in the dojo
There is no second chance to get it right
if you make a mistake

Many martial-artists have found that out
just before they died

Would you like to know
more than anyone else in your dojo about how to fight



Are you being taught these?

You also need to know how to control fear
This is absolutely essential!
Yes, you will experience fear
Everyone does

You need to know how to
take control

You need to know
where to strike for maximum effect

You need to know
more than just blocking and kicking

You need to add to your dojo skills to fight on the street!

"It doesn't matter how good you are
if you seize-up with adrenaline
when he's coming at you"
(everyone faces this problem --- so will you)

Do YOU know how to prevent it from happening?
Are YOU being taught how to do this?

It's all in this book

and you can have it now
if you can afford $69.99
for a hard-cover version

or you can have it for
only $19.99 today
as a downloadable book

This is NOT 'just another martial-arts book'
It does NOT try to teach you another style

It reveals the secrets of using
your current martial-art
in the best way possible

It will also help you perform a lot better
in your dojo

You'll impress the hell out of everyone there --- and yourself!
It's a great feeling
Try it for yourself

The author is a pro
with more than 40 years experience
in teaching people how to cope with violence
in the real world
His clients include police officers, bodyguards,
security personnel, prison officers, business personnel,
martial-artists of many styles and other self-defence experts

He knows how to make you more than
a dojo martial-artist
Much more!

Would you like to be
an accomplished REAL-WORLD martial-artist?

It's as simple as making a decision

Buy this book now and it will happen!
You will know more than anyone else in your dojo about how to fight

What do THEY know about fight-psychology, fight-tactics
and fear-control?
They don't even know they need them
It's a good bet that they know NOTHING about them at all
It's not their fault. Nobody told them they need this vital knowledge
to survive on the street

They have a huge shock coming to them
A HUGE shock!

Don't let it happen to you

This book shows you many real-life situations
that you can use your skills against
It's a great book
Don't miss out!
Get it
You won't believe how good you'll be at fighting
It's an amazing feeling!
Believe it

Can you find $19.99 today
for this $69.99 book?

We hope so
If so, you can start reading this amazing book in just minutes
If not, that's unfortunate, but then it won't take you long to save
such a small amount --- bookmark this page

This book has already been sold in 23 countries
Many sales are generated
by referral from martial-artists
who already own the book

Share it with your friends --- we don't mind
The author is appalled by the number of martial-artists
who are blissfully unaware that they are NOT ready for the street
and he wrote this book to help them

This is a one-off chance for YOU to learn fight-psychology
and real-world martial art tactics from an expert of this quality

You will never learn fight-psychology and tactics in your dojo.
You know that!

So, where else are you going to learn them?

For just $19.99 you will own the only book on the internet
that will convert you into a real-world martial-artist
Download it now while you still can

Leave Fantasyland for those who need to live there
You don't!

Pass the book on if you like
You may even save the life of a friend
You now have the opportunity to download it for just $19.99
You get exactly the same infomation as in the $69.99 hard-cover version


You will be a REAL fighter --- not just a pretend one

You will attain levels of confidence
you never dreamed of
and it feels great!

Normally $69.99 (hardcover version)
You will know more than anyone else in your dojo
about how to fight

instead of
just another dojo martial-artist

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